Break Free From Shame + Stigma – Take Pride in your Financial Wellness

Break Free From Shame + Stigma – Take Pride in your Financial Wellness!

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By Taz Rajan | Reading time: 3 min | 633 words  

You are not alone

Debt is much more common than you’d think! All across the country, millions of fellow Canadians are also struggling to manage their debt, often too embarrassed or unsure of where to reach out for help. In fact, according to the CPA Canada 2020 Canadian Finance Study, more than two thirds of Canadians have felt increased money management stress due to the Covid-19 pandemic, while one in five feel they can no longer successfully manage their debt alone.

If you are one of the many Canadians currently struggling with debt, you have options. You are not alone. And Bromwich+Smith can help.

Having debt does not make you a bad person

Almost everyone experiences debt at some point in their lives. When paid on time, debt—whether it’s a mortgage, rent, credit cards, utility bills, taxes—can be a normal and healthy part of daily money management. But unexpected situations can happen that throw us for a loop and leave us unable to pay our bills. The Covid-19 pandemic, sickness, unemployment or under-employment, relationship breakdown, and unexpected expenses are just some of the situations that can send finances into turmoil.

Debt can take a toll on more than just your finances. It can seriously impact your mental health and well-being by stealing your confidence, time, happiness, and ultimately, your self-worth. Creditors can make you feel like nothing more than a number, but you deserve to be treated with respect. Don’t let the stigma of debt keep you from reaching out for help and finding a debt solution that’s right for you and your financial situation.

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We are here to help

At our core, Bromwich+Smith is a compassionate organization that believes in celebrating the beauty of diversity and treating everyone with the respect that they deserve. It’s one of the essential elements in our enterprise core values. No person should be judged on their gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation, nor their financial position or socioeconomic status.

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Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees and  Debt Relief Specialists can help you create a path out of debt, and support you every step of the way. Our dedicated team—many of whom have overcome their own debt issues—offers personalized debt relief solutions tailored to each person’s unique debt situation. You can trust us to provide solutions that make a person whole again and settle debt once and for all, so you can get on with living your life, being your best self, and celebrating Pride.

Stop the cycle of debt

Find your strength by taming unmanaged debt. Whatever your debt situation, Bromwich+Smith can be the first step towards a new debt-free future. A future without creditors, and without the thought of unpaid bills keeping you up at night.

Bromwich+Smith is Canada’s leading debt relief specialist, mandated and licenced by the federal government to help Canadians reduce and manage their debt.

Find the strategy that’s right for you

Bromwich+Smith has a number of debt relief strategies to help you regain control of your finances and help you get your life back.

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Consumer Proposals

A consumer proposal is a renegotiation of what you owe to your creditors, handled by Bromwich+Smith on your behalf. You pay what you can afford, instead of what your creditors were demanding. This can reduce debt to only a percentage of the original amount owed. Think of it as a settlement with those you owe on terms you both agree with.


With a bankruptcy, gain peace of mind knowing your past is officially behind you and a blank slate awaits, with most debts permanently erased after nine months. Whether you enter into a consumer proposal or bankruptcy, Bromwich+Smith legally eliminates all creditor actions. Creditors can no longer contact you and collection activities must stop.

Contact the professionals at Bromwich+Smith for a free, confidential, no-obligation, consultation. Visit us at: or call 1-855-884-9243 for a free consultation.

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By Taz Rajan Community Engagement Partner at Bromwich+Smith 

Taz has been in the finance industry for nearly two decades and has always been passionate about education and empowerment.  Having declared bankruptcy herself, she intimately understands the shame, stigma surrounding matters of debt as well as the joy and relief that comes from restructuring. Taz actively works to normalize the conversation of debt through blogs, media interviews, webinars, lunch & learns and through building relationships. 


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