Breaking the Cycle: How to Combat Food Insecurity During Inflation and Recession

How to Combat Food Insecurity During Inflation and Recession

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By Bromwich+Smith Staff | 911 words | Reading Time: 4 minutes and 57 seconds | Date: 2023/02/10

With the cost of living continuing to grow, and the average salary staying the same its no surprise that many Canadians are struggling with finances. Far too often we are hearing stories about people needing to make the choice between paying household bills like the mortgage or utilities or having food on the table.  According to reports from Second Harvest a national food rescue organization- food banks and other food-related programs across Canada served 5,141,481 people per month last year. The organization expects that number to climb to 8,208,679 in 2023, a roughly 60 per cent increase. That's compared to 2,196,238 per month before the pandemic.

Many Food Banks, and other organizations helping Canadians access groceries are hearing the same story. They are finding more families accessing their services, many who are working full time and struggling to juggle the increase in prices. Many are embarrassed, filled with shame and have no where else to turn. It’s a story we often hear at Bromwich+Smith, debt and inability to provide for ones family can cause many negative emotions.

This doesn’t need to- and shouldn’t be the case. As Canadians, we are lucky to have resources available to assist in times of need. Be that through debt relief options, Food Bank Supports, Mental Health Programs, Job Assistance or any other programs available. Sometimes it just takes time, and research to know that there are opportunities for support.

While each individual food bank, and food support program varies they do have things in common. You will need to apply for a food hamper, and will need to qualify. While the qualifications vary from each organization be prepared to answer common questions like what has led you to be in need today, are you working, how many people are in your home, are there any other supports that you need. Please do not be afraid that you will not qualify because you are working. The organization is looking for common factors that have led to people needing help, and to collect information that will help them understand what the barriers are that are preventing people from affording food on their own.

In times of high inflation, job insecurity, increased prices at all terminals every Canadian has been affected by higher prices. If you are feeling the crunch, take a few steps back and evaluate your budget. Can you afford to continue your lifestyle with your current expenses, and have wiggle room for any additional unseen increases? Now is the time to cut back on unexpected expenses we are no longer planning for a rainy day its storming outside.

Did you know that anyone who is struggling with food insecurity, is at a higher risk of infectious diseases, injury, chronic conditions including heart disease, chronic pain and hypertension? The inability to have access to healthy food can trickle down to ones mental health as well. Depression, Anxiety, OCD are more likely to occur in someone struggling. We know that when one area of your life is affected, it very rarely stays isolated and instead will show up in other areas. Financial stress and debt can make it difficult to pay for food, and housing costs. The stress of that, and creditors calling can affect ones mental health, and relationships. It is important to acknowledge when you are struggling and find resources to help you.

Are you able to cut back at the grocery store?

  • Checking flyers, weekly deals and stock up sales are going to help.
  • Meal planning. Cutting back on unnecessary items, reconsider brand names and shop for what you need. Shopping for what is in season will often help reduce costs.
  • Frozen vs Fresh. While you may typically go towards fresh fruits and veggies, consider frozen or canned items to help save money.
  • Meat Free Alternatives. Consider a meat free night, often dried beans and other meat alternate options can be just as tasty and pack a lower price tag.

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Strategies for Dealing with Food Insecurity in the Face of Inflation and Recession

There are Food Banks located in many cities throughout Canada, local churches often have pantry assistance and there are lunch programs available to provide children with nutritious meals at school. There are processes set up to ensure that those receiving resources qualify and those requirements change from organization to organization. Know that there are many post secondary students, parents with children, single working individuals needing these services. Don’t assume that you will not qualify and requirements will vary from organization to organization.

Below is a list of some of the local food banks but there are many other local supports. If you are struggling, searching food Local Food Banks will introduce you to many more wonderful agencies with supports in place to help.







If you are in a place where you are able to donate extra food items, consider the most needed items:

  • Grains: oatmeal, high-fibre cereal, brown rice, whole grain pasta
  • Protein: canned salmon or tuna, peanut butter, canned or dried beans/lentils
  • Fruits and vegetables: potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes
  • Foods for special diets: gluten-free, lactose-free, kosher, heart-healthy and sugar-free items, or culturally appropriate items
  • Baby Items: baby items are often high priced, and less likely to be donated. Diapers, wipes, formula, jarred food

Food Insecurity causes a strain on mental health, physical health and is a heavy burden. Know there are people who want to help you thrive. If you are struggling financially, a Debt Relief Specialist at Bromwich+Smith will be able to guide you through all your financial options. If underlining debt is stopping you from supporting your family lets put an end to it today. We can help eliminate your debt, giving you peace of mind and the ability to focus on thriving.

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If you are facing overwhelming debt, remember that you are not alone. Bromwich+Smith has a number of debt relief strategies to help you regain control of your finances and get your life back on track. Reach out today for a free, confidential, no obligation consultation. Bromwich+Smith’s Debt Relief Specialists are available by phone at 1.855.884.9243, or request a call back at contact us page.


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