Retirement Ready: Essential Tips for Financial Preparedness

Ready For Retirement? Essential Tips for Financial Success

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By Bromwich+Smith Staff | 879 words | Reading Time: 4 minutes and 23 seconds | Date: 2024/01/26

Retirement is something many dream of, but when it gets closer to becoming a reality it can be a scary thing. How do you know if you are financially ready? 

1. Check in on your current situation 

Take stock of your current financial situation. What do you have set aside in savings and investments? What do you owe today, and how much of that will continue past your target retirement date?  

2. Calculate your retirement income  

Take into account any pensions, interest payments, or benefits that you may receive once you retire.  

3. Consider your lifestyle 

The amount you will need to save depends on the lifestyle you plan on having while retired. Do you own your home mortgage free, or will you continue paying rent or a mortgage? Do you plan on traveling to visit family, or will you mostly stay close to home? 

4. Take into account long term care 

If you are no longer able to care for yourself, or live in your current home, who will be making those decisions on your behalf? Speak to your loved ones, tour senior living centres and put a plan into place. Otherwise you are trusting others to make choices for you. You may need to look at extended healthcare coverage to ensure you are protected from any potential health care costs. 

5. Review your budget 

This is a great time to review your current budget for unnecessary expenses . You may be able to receive better rates on subscriptions, bank fees, utilities, or even retail purchases by using a senior discount - it never hurts to ask.  

6.Emergency Fund 

Do you have an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses? This could include car repairs, large appliance replacement, funeral costs for your spouse etc.  

7. Debt Management 

If you are going into retirement with any debt, prioritize paying it off as soon as you can to reduce further financial stress.  

8. Consult With Professionals.  

The earlier in the process you can consult with a financial advisor, the sooner you will have a full picture of what retirement can look like. They will be able to suggest how to optimize retirement accounts and review any rules around distributions. They can advise on investments, and how to adjust your portfolio based on your risk assessment, as it can change going into retirement.  
Speak to a lawyer for any legal documents including a will, power of attorney and beneficiaries and to ensure that all of your concerns are reviewed and documented.  

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A Licensed Insolvency Trustee can help guide you through debt repayment, if you are unsure of your options or what might be the best route for you to take.  

It is important to be financially prepared for retirement and that takes some up front work. Theres no one better to make decisions about this stage of life than you, so start planning now! If you are unsure of how you are going to manage your debt into retirement, speak to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee today, for a no obligation, free consultation to learn what will happen to your debt, and help you make a plan for managing it.  

Bromwich+Smith has a number of debt relief strategies to help you regain control of your finances and get your life back on track. Reach out today for a free, confidential, no obligation consultation. Bromwich+Smith’s  Debt Relief Specialists are available by phone at  1-855-884-9243, Live Chat  or you can request a call back at contact us page. We want to see you flourish!     


1: How can I determine if I'm financially ready for retirement?

Check your current financial situation, including savings, investments, and outstanding debts. Evaluate your retirement income sources like pensions and benefits, and consider your planned lifestyle in retirement.

2: What factors should I consider when planning for retirement?

Take into account long-term care needs, review your budget for unnecessary expenses, ensure you have an emergency fund, manage any existing debt, and consult with professionals such as financial advisors, lawyers for legal documents, and Licensed Insolvency Trustees for debt repayment guidance.

3: How can I optimize my retirement accounts and manage risk?

Consult with a financial advisor early in the process to understand retirement options. They can advise on optimizing retirement accounts, adjusting investment portfolios based on risk assessment, and navigating distribution rules.

4: Why is it important to review legal documents before retirement?

Speaking to a lawyer ensures important legal documents such as wills, power of attorney, and beneficiaries are in place. This helps address concerns and ensures a well-documented plan for retirement.

5: How can I prepare for unexpected expenses during retirement?

Maintain an emergency fund to cover unforeseen costs such as car repairs, appliance replacements, or funeral expenses. This provides a financial safety net for unexpected events.

6: Is it advisable to pay off debt before entering retirement?

Yes, prioritize paying off any existing debt before retirement to reduce financial stress. Being debt-free enhances your financial security during your retirement years.

7: Why is consulting a Licensed Insolvency Trustee important for retirement planning?

A Licensed Insolvency Trustee can guide you through debt repayment options, helping you make informed decisions about managing your debt into retirement. Seek their expertise for a no-obligation consultation.

8: When should I start planning for retirement?

Start planning for retirement as early as possible. Consulting with a financial advisor in the early stages ensures a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation and helps you make well-informed decisions for a secure retirement.

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